2021 Diversity Webinar Series

2021 Diversity Webinar Series


The online Diversity Webinar series aims to engage staff working within the aged care sector in Australia with skills and knowledge to work effectively with diverse older people, their families, carers and advocates. It involves a range of topics relevant to culturally safe and inclusive practice, and is designed in response to topics requested from staff working in the aged care sector in Australia.

All webinars are recorded and you can access the recordings and PowerPoint presentations via this page. You also have permission to embed the recordings into your training programs. (Click the SHARE button on the YouTube video page, and select Embed.)



Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Working Effectively with Interpreters in Aged Care

Date: Tuesday 6th April 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders and direct care workers in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar aims to cover key skills needed in working effectively with interpreters with aged care settings and to discuss strategies to overcome some of the challenges facing engaging interpreters. 


This webinar has concluded.

You can download the slides Here

You can download Case Studies Here

Jen Cvetkovski

Senior Account Manager
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)

Jen Jennifer Cvetkovski is a Senior Account Manager with the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National). Jennifer currently manages TIS National’s Commonwealth Government and Non-Government (NGO) portfolio of clients. Jennifer works closely with service providers in the aged care sector promoting access to interpreting services and demonstrating how to work effectively with interpreters.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Accessing Culturally Appropriate Resources for your Consumers

Date: Tuesday 27th April 2021

Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders and direct care workers in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar aims to provide staff working in the aged care sector with knowledge of how to access culturally appropriate resources to support their consumers. It will be delivered by the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) program and will cover tips to access multilingual information and culturally appropriate information for each State/Territory.


This webinar has concluded. 

You can download the PPT Here

Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) Alliance


The PICAC Alliance is a unified national body comprising of each State and Territory specific Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) funded organisations. The Alliance aims to be a voice and provides information, training and resources to inform aged and community care services.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Using Translations to Connect with Culturally Diverse Audiences in Aged Care

Date: Tuesday 11th May 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar aims to equip staff working in the aged care sector with knowledge, skills and tips in creating effective translations for their consumers.


This webinar has concluded. 

You can download the PPT Here

Costa Vasili

Ethnolink Language Services

CostaCosta Vasili is the founder and CEO of Ethnolink, a translation company on a mission to connect Australia through language. Costa is a second generation Australian and grew up hearing stories from his dad about the challenges he faced when he migrated to Australia at the age of thirteen. Inspired by his dad's struggles, Costa embarked on a mission ten years ago to help improve the lives of migrants by providing high quality translation services to the government and not-for-profit sectors.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Applying a Diversity Lens to Dementia Care

Date: Tuesday 1st June 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders and direct care workers in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar will cover some considerations when supporting the needs of culturally diverse consumers living with dementia. It will touch upon different attitudes toward dementia care across diverse communities and resources for families and professionals which support culturally diverse communities in understanding dementia.


This webinar has concluded. 

You can download the PPT for Nina's presentationHere

You can download the PPT for Bianca's presentationHere

Nina Catalano

Dementia Care Navigator CALD, Western Sydney
Dementia Australia

Nina CatalanoNina's current role is with Dementia Australia where she has worked for the past 8 years. She has a Diploma in Counselling and Dementia Studies. Nina has worked in the Dementia field for over 30 years and has extensive knowledge in Community Care and Support as well as Community and Carer Education.

Bianca Brijnath

Divisional Director of Social Gerontology
National Ageing Research Institute (NARI)

Bianca BrijnathAssociate Professor Bianca Brijnath is the Divisional Director of Social Gerontology at the National Ageing Research Institute (NARI). Her disciplinary training is in medical anthropology and public health and her research expertise is in cultural diversity, dementia, and mental health. Within these disciplinary and contextual boundaries, she has undertaken several studies exploring mental health and culture, mental health and the life-course, and dementia and cultural diversity. She has authored over 100 publications, including a sole-authored book with Berghahn Books titled “Unforgotten: Love and the culture of dementia care in India” and is the lead investigator for the Moving Pictures study in Australia and in India. In recognition of her research, she was awarded the Victorian Young Tall Poppy Award in 2018.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Cross Cultural Communication

Date: Wednesday 30th June 2021

Time: 2:00pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders and direct care workers in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar aims to equip staff working within the aged care sector with the knowledge and skills in communicating effectively with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

This webinar aims to:

  • Enable participants to understand the impact of culture on communication, teamwork and client interactions.
  • Provide a framework to understand cultural similarities and differences and how this impacts cross-cultural interactions.
  • Develop a mind-set that allows for cultural agility and leveraging cultural diversity.

All participants will receive a e-copy of Tom’s book ‘The Invisible Elephant – Exploring Cultural Awareness’ as a Resource Guide.


This webinar has concluded. 

You can download the PPT Here

Dr Tom Verghese

Cultural Synergies

tomDr Tom Verghese is a cross-cultural coach and founder of Cultural Synergies. He is an energetic speaker and author of four books. Tom has worked globally in his 30 years of consulting. Of Indian origin, raised in Malaysia, he resides in Melbourne with his English born wife and children. Tom is an expert panelist on the Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmark (GDIB).

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Creating Inclusive Organisations

When: Wednesday 14th July 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar will equip leaders in the aged care sector in understanding The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing's Inclusive Service Standards and how to apply the Standards across the organisation in order to promote inclusive practice in aged care settings. The webinar will be conducted in partnership with Uniting who will talk about their Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2020-2023.


This webinar has concluded. 

You can download the PPT Here

You can download the PPT Here

Margaret Teuma

Diversity and Inclusion Specialist

MargaretMargaret is the Diversity and Inclusion Specialist working in Uniting. She is responsible for the provision of expertise in the embedding of diversity and inclusion principles in Uniting. Her role includes challenging existing structures and supporting progressive change through influencing system improvement and coordinating special projects that build diversity and inclusion capability.

She is passionate about tackling injustice and inequality, particularly for those most marginalised in society, and is especially committed to actions resulting in improving the quality of life of refugees, people with a disability, Aboriginal and LGBTI communities.

Margaret comes with a wide-ranging career in public sector and NGO leadership positions and has extensive experience in developing strategies, policy development and program evaluation.

Lisa Tribuzio

Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing

LisaLisa is a social worker who has 20 years experience in a range of sectors including disability, education, family services and aged care. Her previous roles include Assistant Director for Inclusion Strategies at the NDIA, Diversity Advisor for the Hume Whittlesea Primary Care Partnership, Projects Manager for the Victorian Arabic Social Service, Social Worker at Hume Valley School and Cross Cultural Researcher for the Centre for Intercultural Dialogue in Cairo. Lisa grew up in a bilingual home. Her work is guided by the resilience of her migrant background and the stories of her parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), a Bachelor of Social Work, Masters in Islamic Studies and a Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts Therapy. Lisa is also the founder of Lotus Consulting which aims to assist organisations in developing deep understandings of diverse perspectives and practices.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Linking Inclusive Practice to Aged Care Quality Standards

Date: Wednesday 4th August 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar aims to equip leaders in the aged care sector to link The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing's Inclusive Service Standards to the Aged Care Quality Standards. Co-facilitated by the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.


This webinar has concluded. 

You can download the PPT Here

Rebecca Cross

Education Coordinator
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

BecBec has worked for over 20 years in the regulation of aged care and has focused her skills on developing and facilitating education to the sector through the Education and Engagement Team at the Commission. Bec has a strong background in assessment methodology and the Aged Care Quality Standards and has witnessed many periods of reform and change.


Lisa Tribuzio

Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing

LisaLisa is a social worker who has 20 years experience in a range of sectors including disability, education, family services and aged care. Her previous roles include Assistant Director for Inclusion Strategies at the NDIA, Diversity Advisor for the Hume Whittlesea Primary Care Partnership, Projects Manager for the Victorian Arabic Social Service, Social Worker at Hume Valley School and Cross Cultural Researcher for the Centre for Intercultural Dialogue in Cairo. Lisa grew up in a bilingual home. Her work is guided by the resilience of her migrant background and the stories of her parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), a Bachelor of Social Work, Masters in Islamic Studies and a Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts Therapy. Lisa is also the founder of Lotus Consulting which aims to assist organisations in developing deep understandings of diverse perspectives and practices.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Applying a Diversity Lens to Consumer Centred Care

Date: Wednesday 15th September 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders and direct care workers in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar aims to support staff in the aged care sector to understand equity, diversity and inclusion and an ability to implement an approach that is responsive to individuals’ preferences, backgrounds and needs. The webinar will cover:

  • Understanding of consumer centred care, its interconnected relationship with consumer diversity and confidence to implement inclusive services.
  • How the Aged Care Quality Standards place consumer diversity and the ability to review the requirements of the Standards with a diversity lens.
  • Confidently identify risk factors that create disadvantage or vulnerability for consumers and take steps to remove them.

 Download the case studies from this webinar:

Magda Case Study

Dimitris Case Study

Tiam Case Studies

This webinar has concluded.

Dale Park

Diversity Training and Consulting

daleDale is a passionate consultant, trainer, facilitator and activist. Having worked across the health, aged and community care sectors he enthusiastically supports organisations to take and intersectional approach to the way they design and deliver services and build cohesive teams. As the Director of Diversity, Training and Consulting (DTC) he builds the capacity of organisations to tackle issues of discrimination, inequality and marginalisation. As a champion of asset-based approaches he uses his creative flair to develop diversity, inclusion and intersectionality resources, films, and podcasts that value consumers, their capabilities, lived experiences and expertise.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Tips for Effective Co-design with Older People from Diverse Backgrounds

Date: Wednesday 27th October 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders and direct care workers in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

The webinar will cover:

Overview of approaches to effective co-design with diverse communities delivered by Impacto Consulting.

A good practice example from Fronditha care, an aged care provider in Melbourne, on how they applied co-design principles to design and deliver services to older people from diverse cultural backgrounds in their residential care setting.

The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing will also launch its Practice Guide on Effective Co-design with Older People from Diverse Backgrounds.


This webinar has concluded.


Download the slides


Dan Bentley

Impacto Consulting

Dan photo

Tracey Newman

Impacto Consulting

Tracey photo

Dan Bentley

Impacto Consulting

Dan photo

Tracey Newman

Impacto Consulting

Tracey photo

Dan Bentley & Tracey Newman are directors at Impacto Consulting. They are consultants that specialise in innovation, and are best known for their work with aged care providers, where they have helped aged care leaders around the country, to create person-centred services that better meet the needs of their consumers.

Renee Bognar

Manager Residential Care
Fronditha Care Templestowe

Renee photoRenee Bognar is the Residential Care Residential Manager of Fronditha Care’s Templestowe facility. She joined the Aged Care industry at 16 as a personal care worker and has worked across a number of aged care facilities before commencing her role as Manager with Fronditha Care 10 years ago.

With over 30 years experience in Aged Care as a Registered Nurse, Renee has seen many changes in the aged care industry. Renee provides Leadership to her team of nurses, carers & allied health staff, working collaboratively together to achieve the best outcomes for the resident in her care.

Training Topic

Facilitator Details

Inclusive Consumer Feedback

Date: Wednesday 17th November 2021

Time: 2pm to 3.30pm (Melbourne time)

Where: Online

Cost: Free

Intended Audience: Leaders and direct care workers in aged care nationwide

Outline of the Webinar:

This webinar aims to support staff in the aged care sector to understand the importance of cultural awareness when considering how to get consumer feedback and consumer voices into the organisation. It will cover the importance of flexible approaches to getting consumer feedback and examples from a leading multicultural aged care provider Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS).

The webinar will cover:

  • Understanding cultural expectations amongst communities when giving feedback
  • Providing opportunities for feedback and complaints provided through multiple methods and channels
  • The importance of engaging with advocacy groups or peak bodies representing older people from culturally diverse backgrounds for advice and co-designing consumer feedback approaches
  • The importance of having a policy or framework in place for inclusive feedback and complaints mechanisms
  • The webinar will also showcase the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing’s Consumer Voice short film made in conjunction with Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS)


Sinisha Krstov

Manager Access and Engagement
Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS)

SinishaWith a friendly, enthusiastic and approachable persona, Sinisha works continuously towards supporting the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and individuals to maximise their full potential. He joined AMCS in 2013 to advise and support seniors and other vulnerable people who are facing barriers in accessing services due to their diversity. Sinisha has an Advanced Diploma in Community Services Management, Bachelor of Social Work and Social Policy, and a Master of International Relations and Conflict Resolution. Sinisha speaks Macedonian, Serbian and Croatian.

Lisa Tribuzio

Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing

LisaLisa is a social worker who has 20 years experience in a range of sectors including disability, education, family services and aged care. Her previous roles include Assistant Director for Inclusion Strategies at the NDIA, Diversity Advisor for the Hume Whittlesea Primary Care Partnership, Projects Manager for the Victorian Arabic Social Service, Social Worker at Hume Valley School and Cross Cultural Researcher for the Centre for Intercultural Dialogue in Cairo. Lisa grew up in a bilingual home. Her work is guided by the resilience of her migrant background and the stories of her parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Lisa holds a Bachelor of Science (Psychology), a Bachelor of Social Work, Masters in Islamic Studies and a Graduate Diploma in Creative Arts Therapy. Lisa is also the founder of Lotus Consulting which aims to assist organisations in developing deep understandings of diverse perspectives and practices.


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