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Season 2 Episode 3 is out now


In episode 3 of Season 2 of the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing’s Podcast, we're speaking with Frank Di Blasi and Phil Peladarinos.
Frank Di Blasi is a senior leader from the Italian community in Melbourne. Frank has a long list of achievements that emphasise his commitment to his local community, as well as his Italian heritage and culture.
Phil Peladarinos is the Team Leader - Care Management at Merri Health. Phil has a background in Aged Care, Mental Health, Local Government and Tertiary Education with almost 35 years’ experience in working with culturally diverse communities.

Tune in to hear Frank's story of how he initiated a significant number of senior citizens' clubs and how seniors can reach out to COASIT Melbourne to join some of these clubs.
You will also hear from Phil about his recommendations for a more culturally inclusive aged care system.

This podcast also touches upon the importance of building relationships and developing trust with seniors from culturally diverse backgrounds in order to support them to find a sense of belonging to the wider community.
Visit our website to listen to the full episode:


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