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CALDWays 2014: ‘Collaboration for Success’

The Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) NSW and ACT Program is pleased to open registrations for the 2014 CALDWays: ‘Collaboration for Success’ forum, which will be held on Tuesday 6th May at Rydges Lakeside in Canberra.

The PICAC NSW and ACT is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and auspiced by the Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra.

CALDWays 2014 will build on the success of the first CALDWays forum, held in June 2013, which focused on the National Ageing and Aged Care Strategy for People from CALD Backgrounds, released by the Australian Government in 2012.

The 2014 forum will focus on enhancing the performance of aged care service sector through partnership and collaboration with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

In addition to the exciting lineup of speakers, to be released in the coming month, participants at CALDWays 2014: Collaboration for Success can look forward to diverse cultural performances, a multicultural menu and a multicultural expo interspersed throughout the discussions on aged care.

Registration is free and open to all parties with an interest in aged care in CALD communities, including interested members of the public. Given the popularity of last year’s CALDWays Forum this event is expected to book out, so register online at to secure your spot.

For more information please email the CALDWays Coordinator, Melanie Tulloch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the PICAC NSW & ACT office on (02) 4227 4222.

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