Good Practice Stories

Bolton Clarke’s diversity and inclusion vision in supporting seniors

The Centre celebrates Bolton Clarke long history of supporting and promoting principles of diversity and inclusion.

We had a pleasure of chatting with Catherine Witney who is a Senior Advisor for Diversity and Inclusion at Bolton Clarke.


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“Bolton Clarke Partnering with Consumers for Diversity Model” won the 2017 Australian Better Practice Award and was a nominee for the 2018 Silver Eco and Ageing Well International Awards. The Bolton Clarke Diversity Framework (2017-2015) aligns with Aged Care Diversity Framework 2017 of the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.


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Catherine says: “Embedding diversity and inclusion into practice is not a static process, but a continuous journey. The current rapid pace of aged care reform, including revision of the Aged Care Act and the Aged Care Quality Standards, affords momentum for us to reflect and grow. With this in mind, we are building on our early work to review and update the framework using a human rights-based approach to inform and guide the care and support provided to current and future clients, residents and employees and shape our ongoing contribution to health and ageing nationally. “


Catherine further adds: “Australia is a multicultural, multi-spiritual and multi-faith society. Our responsibility is great, incorporating our impact upon the environment, upon society and upon the systems of governance and accountability to which we strive. Bolton Clarke will continue to respond to and incorporate these responsibilities as we broaden and nurture our commitment to diversity as core business,” Catherine says.


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Thank you for your contributions towards diversity Bolton Clarke!


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